12 Oct lisa nicole bell.
los angeles, california via huntsville, alabama | dreamer. doer. daughter. friend. game changer. writer. producer.
How did you choose the life you lead and was it a conscious decision?
I consciously chose this life by allowing my imagination to run wild with possibilities and then trying things. I am endlessly curious and willing to fail as long as I learn something along the way. Those two things have led to where I am.
How did you choose your career?
I’m a natural born communicator and leader. I’ve refined those things over time, but I really don’t feel that I chose my career. It chose me. I would be doing some form of communications no matter what, but I would say I chose the particular aspect of communications I’m in because I believe in it, it positively impacts people, and I want to have the broadest reach possible.
What has been your greatest obstacle in life and how do/did you navigate it?
My greatest obstacle has been my mindset. I work daily to keep my thoughts aligned with what I want.
How do you overcome fear?
I overcome fear by not allowing it to take root and blossom. Fear only has the power that we give it. I find that action is fear repellant and that if I stay in motion toward meaningful goals, there’s a lot less time to be scared.
What does failure/ or success look like to you?
I define success for myself as doing work I love that impacts the world and being paid well for it while being surrounded by beautiful things and quality people I care deeply about.
What gets you through a rough day?
Prayer. Journaling. Long walks. My dog. A talk with a friend. I have a lot of ways to deal with unpleasant emotion. I try not to let a tough moment or tough hour turn into a bad day.
What qualities do you look for in friends?
Loyalty, intelligence, a great sense of humor, accountability, honesty, and optimism.
If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be?
What you do is more important than what you think or say.
What is your greatest accomplishment to date?
Falling in love with who I am. Like many women, I’ve had a complicated relationship with myself over the years. I am at complete peace with who I am, and I am comfortable in my skin. I believe in me, I love me, and I am my own best friend. I consider my passionate love affair with myself to be my crowning achievement.
What is your best advice on how to live a graceful life?
Organize your life around having peace. Find the courage to set and enforce boundaries in every area of your life. Define a set of values to live by and build your life on them. Spend time with yourself, and learn yourself intimately. Knowledge of self opens up many opportunities.
j. jane side notes:
You must check out Lisa’s website. Her podcast Behind the Brilliance is well … brilliant. I listen to her as I clean my house or as I get ready for a hot date with my darling husband. Her material is relevant and her energy is contagious.
Mary Jane Hook
Posted at 20:57h, 12 OctoberI admire your confidence.
Angie Hall
Posted at 22:00h, 12 OctoberBeing your own best friend is definitely key!! Very inspiring…wish all women could feel this way!
Jacquelin bickel
Posted at 23:23h, 12 OctoberIf more of us had this type of a relationship with ourselves just think of what we could accomplish! Kudos to you Lisa Nicole Bell!
Kim Stomber
Posted at 00:38h, 13 OctoberWhat a beautiful role model to all women
Posted at 01:57h, 13 OctoberLove your responses! Especially the part about having a loving relationship with yourself…powerful stuff!
Sarah Albritton
Posted at 03:46h, 13 OctoberI love the comment about falling in love with yourself. What a wonderful example for young and more seasoned women everywhere. She is so right it is the most important relationship you can have. Truly inspiring!!
Jo Hill
Posted at 04:17h, 13 OctoberSo agree with the comments on living a graceful life!
Posted at 21:25h, 13 Octoberthe falling in love with myself is the stage I am in.
Traci McGough Swoboda
Posted at 18:47h, 26 OctoberWonderful advice. I also like the via Alabama part ;0) being an Alabama girl myself!